I’ve read Maas, Engber, Sobieck, Donovan, Bell, Card, and countless other writing gurus. But, after I read Structure Your Novel by K.M. Weiland, I snatched up every instructional writing book this author has published. Creating Character Arcs is one more gem in my resource library of books on craft. This book makes little things like

characteristic scene moments and characters who act on false assumptions understandable and easy to balance. Using the clear thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter deepen the entire writing process. Not only am I impressed enough to own a digital copy of the book, I bought a hard copy so that I can flip to pertinent sections that relate to my current WIP.
Weiland’s instructional style has changed how readers perceive my writing. So many have commented on the major improvements I’ve made. I owe this to Ms. Weiland and her command of the crafted word. Creating Character Arcs is a timely publication that will be relative to authors for years to come. Don’t miss this one!
Buy this book on Amazon here. The digital version is $0.99 until February 20th.
Visit her at her fantastic instructional website and be sure to subscribe to her newsletter at HelpingWritersBecomeAuthors.

