
Sherrie's Always Write

A Mind Less Traveled


July 2017

Shade’s Shadow



This is a special story. It’s the darkest story I’ve written to date. I’ve been struggling to complete it for a while. Then Nikki, the organiser of UnDead Prom, contacted me about sponsoring the event, and I knew that this would be just perfect.

So here you have it. Felix’s darkest and most bizarre case, published – very appropriately – on Halloween.

And, since the it was commissioned by the UnDead Prom, I include here also the opening words of the faculty’s History professor (me again) to the students…

Guests of the UnDead Prom share that quintessential human interest with what lies behind the veil of life. It might not surprise them that humans throughout the ages have come up with a myriad of descriptions, explanations, and stories about what happens to those who cross the threshold — and those who might cross back.

For tonight’s lesson, we will study…

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